If you are doing some extensive research with only one aim of finding some good auto finance company, you have to find as much information as possible. Taking an auto loan is a very important decision and you cannot make any mistakes and bring yourself to disappointment and loss of the car. If you research about Triad Financial Corporation, here is some more info.
Company overview. First Financial Solutions is an American mortgage broker. First Financial Solutions provides a complete line of commercial and residential lending solutions: mortgage refinance loans, debt consolidation loans, new home loans, standard mortgage loans, alternative mortgages, and so much more. First Financial Solutions controls mortgage loan process and provides low interest rates for the customers with good credit record. Besides, it serves the customers with credit scores ranging slightly lower than what the lender considers good. The company has offices all over the country. First Financial Solutions employs loan specialists who investigate each case individually and offer a preferable solution. First Financial Solutions has its own philosophy, which is in making the dreams of its customers come true. This is the auto finance company that is one of the leading companies in the sub-prime auto financing market. The company focuses on those customers who have poor credit record and cannot get a prime auto loan. First Financial Solutions states that the first thing the company wants to perform is to help the customers of Triad to get back on feet and re-establish their credit once again. The company claims, that the business of First Financial Solutions is built on three whales, which are the company, the customer and the shareholder. And everything that is performed by this auto finance company should serve the aim of satisfying all the three parts. The company has a very strong management policy and ownership to deliver the best service to its customers.
First Financial Solutions complaints. Many customers of First Financial Solutions complain about the fraudulent business practices of the company. The say that sometimes First Financial cannot take the right control of the payments and this results in missed payments even though they have been sent. Besides, the company harasses the unfortunate customers with rude phone calls all day and night long. And finally people lose their hard earned vehicle. To stop these unfair activities, they file numerous complaints against Triad to BBB and Attorney General. Something has to be done when injustice rules.
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